Slumdog Millionaire

Den här filmen var asbra. De åtta oscarna svek inte. Jag satt helt fängslad under hela filmen. Jag rekommenderar den asmkt! Typ bästa filmen jag nånsin sett!

Det handlar om en kille, Jamal, som kommer från en indisk slum och han ställer upp i "Vem vill bli miljonär?" och han vinner. Man får se hur han lyckades vinna och hur han visste alla svaren.

The cast.

Haha! Läs det här! Det är en användarkommentar om filmen på IMDB:

I've lived in Mumbai, India all my life.

Nowhere do they teach Alexander Dumas (Three Musketeers), in fact our education is so bad people don't even have English textbooks. Examinations conducted just ask for essays and comprehension.

The blinding of beggar children is ridiculous... but that couldn't be enough, could it? So we have a beggar child blinded by circumstance familiar with the face on a hundred dollar note. Man! Get a grip. The Prime Minister, President, and Industrialists wont know whose face there is on a hundred dollar note. No no wait... still not enough... Jamal doesn't know whose face it is on the Indian thousand rupee note (after seeing him receive several of them in the movie - one may ask? Dear Jamal? what now has happened of thy photographic memory?)

One should wonder what direction has Danny Boyle done. If you watch any other film of the actors involved in slumdog you'll realize how repetitive and monotonous their performance is.

Dialogues were really poor. Music was the only side that didn't let down. But A R Rahman has composed far better music for films other than this.

The world has seen little of India... that does not give one the liberty to paint a picture so untrue and pathetic. Its poetic license being abused. Abused and how? What is wrong with the world??? and the awards its bagged???



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