Mår illa (jag vet, det var inte en så kreativ titel)

Fan vad kul det var i helgen. Bion, lanandet, min lilla tripp på migränpillrena, vilket kanske inte var så kul egentligen, men ändå. 
Fast jag saknar Sara!!! Så vi måste göra något SNART tycker jag, om du läser det här! 
Har det krampigt i magen och mår illa av någon anledning jag inte riktigt vet. Annars har jag sovit lite random idag, typ två timmar sammanlagt hela natten eller så. Är trött, antar jag. Känner mig lite mysko och nere av någon anledning. Typ ensam. :)

Imorse skrev jag ju en kort historia om Fanny och Willyponken. Tänkte att jag kunde he in den här. Den är på engelska, om det inte skulle märkas.

"It was a completely normal erotic day in Fannie's unusual erotic life, which was filled with wet dreams and arousal, when all MSN-sexing became so real that Willieboy was entirely naturally projected out of her computer screen and ended up in her lap.

He looked at her face in shock. He couldn't quite understand how he could have emerged in Sweden with Fannie all of a sudden.

- Uhm... Did I just fall through my computer screen and end up in your arms?

Fannie stared just as shocked back at his face. But he was so close. Close to her for real. Usually, she felt like he was close to her all the time, being with her, but from an untouchable distance. So she guessed she could just be hallucinating. Anyway, she was totally planning to make fully use of this situation.

- Yeah, you did! she exclaimed and threw her arms around him in a hard hug.

He got almost suffocated by her gigantic boobs, which he didn't have anything against, actually, because it was claustrophobia in a very nice way.

- And this can't be possible, he continued with his muffled voice from under her boobs.

She leaned backward and looked at him.

- Whatever! I'm just so happy you're here!

He seemed to give up his confused condition and his face got lightened with a wide smile of a rogue.

- Well, I know what we could do...

Fannie giggled and seemed to have floated up to the pink and bubbly clouds of love. Willieboy glanced meaningfully at her bed.

- Yes! Let's do it! Fannie shrieked überly happy.

Willieboy made an effort in trying to get up, but Fannie stopped him.

- What are you doing? You can borrow the stationary computer!

He looked at her in confusion.

- Computer...?! he spluttered.

- Yeah! Now when we're both here we can play World of Warcraft together! It would be, like, so intense!"

Sen ska jag fortsätta att skriva om Harry och Edward, tidigare idag översatte jag knappt hälften av det som jag hunnit skriva imorse till engelska. Ska fortsätta sen. De är ett så roligt par. Harry med sina hormoner och Edward med sina kluvna känslor.

Postat av: Fannie


2009-02-08 @ 18:36:08
Postat av: Willyboy

Nice 1 hanna but i am not quite sue it would be that way round lol :P

2009-02-08 @ 18:44:13
Postat av: Willyboy


2009-02-08 @ 18:45:08
Postat av: Emma

OMG! Gud asså, jag trodde att jag var vaken när du läste den här - men uppenbarligen inte! Haha, ojojoj, jag vet inte vad jag ska säga, men det var roligt. Jag ser väldigt mycket fram emot Harry/Edward grejen. Haha.

2009-02-08 @ 20:34:24

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